★All presenters are asked to complete pre-registration.

Aural Presentation

  • Presentation : 7 min ; Discussion: 3 min.
  • Screen projector is installed.
  • Bring your own PC or tablet etc.
  • Please show up to the ‘Next presenter’ seat when your presentation is the next turn.

Poster Presentation

  • Panel size is 1800 mm x 1200 mm (h x w).
  • Prepare your poster between 9:30 and 10:30 AM.
  • Poster hours
    • 09:00 – 16:30
    • 14:25 – 15:25 “Core time”
  • Discussion is important to win the Young Investigator Award – the referees also join the discussion.
  • Remove the poster after 16:30.
  • Posters not removed will be trashed without notification.

Young Investigator Award

You are nominated as the Award candidates if the first author is student or postdoctoral fellow. The winners are invited (= free) to the Banquet. Names of the winners will be posted near the reception desk.