New!  List of Titles (Please download and view.)

List of Oral Presentations (Updated on: December 26, 2024)
List of Poster Presentations (Updated on : January 10, 2025)

New!  Proceedings PDF (The PDF of the proceedings will be released on Friday, January 24.)

PDF of the Oral Presentations
PDF of the Poster Presentations (P-01*~P30*)(P-31*~P60* Updated on : January 10)(P-61~P79異)


Call for Papers

Submissions for poster or oral presentations for the following categories are welcome (refer to the table in Submission Categories below):
→The submission for general presentations has closed.

Pre-registration deadline for presenters: 11.15 (Friday)  →11.30(Saturday)
Abstract submission deadline: 11.25 (Monday)        →12.6(Friday)




Presenters are requested to also register to attend the conference

The homepage will be updated with a detailed presentation schedule 1 month before the conference. Presenters should check the homepage for details on their assigned presentation type and time slot.

Oral Present-ation 10 minutes per presenter
(Presentation 7 min / Q&A 2 min / Transition 1 min)
Please use your own PCEach session will have a chairpersonConnector: HDMI only, ***Please bring your own adapters if necessary***
Power outlets, microphone, and laser pointer will be provided.
Poster Posters will follow a core-time system.
Presenters are invited to stand beside their poster during their respective core-time to answer questions.Core time: 60 minutes
Poster Size:A0
Please put up your poster between 9:30 ~ 10:00 am
Display board: 180cm tall x 120cm wide(poster must fit within this space)
Pins will be provided (magnets are not allowed)
Posters should be removed after 17:00pm. Kindly note that any leftover posters will be disposed of by the secretariat.

※Please note that depending on the number of submissions received, there may be cases where we are unable to grant your desired presentation type.
※Language: English or Japanese.

Submission Categories

Please register using the category closest to the research area of your presentation.

A 生体材料(Biomaterials)
ナノバイオ(Nanobioscience and nanobiotechnology)
C 再生医療(Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine)
D 抗菌・抗ウイルス材料(Antibacterial and antiviral materials)
E 製薬・薬物送達システム(Pharmaceuticals and drug delivery systems)
F 人工臓器(Artificial organs and implants)
G 幹細胞・培養技術(Stem cells and cell culture technology)
H 検査・診断(Tests and diagnosis)
I 治療・治療支援(Medical treatment and healthcare)
J 医療・福祉機器(Medical and welfare devices)
K 食品・健康(Nutrition and health)
L レギュラトリーサイエンス(Regulatory science)
M その他(Others)

Abstract submission

Please download the abstract template here.
※Before sending the manuscript, please ensure that fonts are embedded in the PDF to avoid issues such as garbled characters when the file is opened on another PC.

Pre-registration deadline for presenters: 11.15 (Friday) →11.30(Saturday)
Abstract submission deadline: 11.25 (Monday) →12.6(Friday)
Submission is by email

Rising Star Research Award

The Tsukuba Medical and Engineering Collaboration Forum features a ‘Rising Star Research Award’ to encourage young researchers. Students and post-docs are eligible and highly-encouraged to apply during submission.

Award Ceremony

The results of the award judging will be announced at the closing ceremony where award certificates will be presented to the winners. Awardees are also cordially invited to attend the post-conference reception (admission is free).