Pre-Registration was currently closed. You can check in at the reception without pre-registration.
*The reception is scheduled to open in early September.

Registration Fee

General: 2,000 yen
Student: free

We accept only cash. Credit card is not payable.

Proceedings of Tsukuba BME Collaboration Forum

One proceedings book is included for each registered person. The second and subsequent books will be sold for a fee (500 yen).


Banquet is held after the forum.
Student 1,000 yen, Other 4,000 yen

  • Award winners are invited to the banquet! (You will be refunded if you’ve paid.)
  • Registration for the banquet is available on-site. We accept only cash. Credit card is not payable.
  • In case of cancellation, please inform the secretariat by Tuesday, January 14.